Although studying from home seems like a luxury with pyjamas being the new dress code and cereal now passing for a substantial dinner, you might have started to miss being on campus or acquiring new knowledge. For those of you eager to carry on learning and use your time productively, we’ve compiled a list of the best non-fiction books to keep your brains active, your curiosity satiated and your humour intact.
A Short History of Nearly Everything – Bill Bryson
Although best known for his travel writing, Bryson explores a different topic in A Short History of Nearly Everything. Throughout the book, Bryson explains in an accessible way how we came from nothing to The Big Bang to civilization. For those looking to understand more about the evolution of mankind using simple language and an engaging style, this is one of the best books to read.
What Serbs Must Do to Survive – Djordje Teofilovic
Business Instructor at Toronto School of Management (TSoM) Djordje Teofilovic recently published his first book in which he offers practical solutions for Serbia for ending systematic corruption within particular ministries. The book’s central idea is that power corrupts and that the barrier to fairness, equality and transparency in any society is found in political monopoly that shapes public policies. Check out this non-fiction read to improve your knowledge of Serbian politics.
When Breath Becomes Air – Paul Kalanithi
For those interested in medicine, When Breath Becomes Air is a powerful memoir that reflects what life is like as a doctor. Written by the late Paul Kalanithi, the book is an account of his life before it was cut short at the age of 37. Although the memoir follows Kalanithi through his deterioration with lung cancer, the book is one of great compassion and poignancy.
Becoming – Michelle Obama
Delve into the life of one of America’s most famous First Ladies. Michelle Obama provides a personal account of her life from growing up in Chicago through to living in the White House. With over 10 million copies sold worldwide, this memoir is definitely one of our must read books.
The Power of Positive Thinking – Normal Vincent Peale
If you’re feeling pessimistic about the current situation, this self-help book is the perfect antidote. Norman Vincent Peale offers readers tools and techniques to help relieve the habit of worrying, restore belief in oneself and to assert control over your situation. This is one of our must read non-fiction books!
Talking to Strangers – Malcolm Gladwell
Gladwell’s latest book focuses on situations where people have been completely misread. Gladwell travels into largely unchartered waters throughout the book and highlights several well-known examples from recent history where the misunderstanding of others has had serious consequences. These include the case of Amanda Knox and the Bernie Madoff cases. Find time for one of the best non-fiction books.
Everything I Know About Love – Dolly Alderton
Step into the world of Dolly Alderton as she recalls her escapades from her twenties. The book has everything you need to keep you interested – humour, moments of sadness and oddly enough, recipes. This is one of the best books to read if you’re feeling uncertain about the direction your life is going in or want to experience some really bad dates without actually having to go on them.