Internship and Job Fairs

Toronto School of Management (TSOM) hosts internship and job fairs four times a year:









Students and employers alike can network in the way that works best for them, and we’re making it easy by providing both virtual and in-person options. Students and employers can meet face-to-face or, for those outside the Greater Toronto Area, connect remotely.

All current TSOM students and TSOM alumni are welcome at these events. The Career Services Department at Toronto School of Management facilitates real-time connections between employers and a diverse student body in the areas of business, cybersecurity, digital marketing, accounting, sales and marketing, data analytics, and hospitality and tourism management. This allows employers to find the skilled talent they need to meet their staffing needs, and provides students with exciting internship and permanent employment opportunities. As long as the placement is in Canada and with a Canadian company, our policy is that students are free to take jobs wherever they like.

Through these events, current TSOM students and alumni can:

  • Meet potential employers and learn about opportunities that could help them achieve their career objectives.
  • Visit employer booths, either online or in person, to get a feel for the organization, talk to a representative, and maybe even land a job offer.
  • Obtain insights into the current job market and learn about ongoing recruitment trends from seasoned employers and recruiters.
  • Get Canadian work experience with Canadian companies.

There are several things you can do to help make your job fair experience a success.

You want to make sure you are interviewed by the types of companies you want to work for. Even if your ideal company is not currently hiring for your ideal position, sitting down for an interview can still be an opportunity to learn whether or not they are a good fit for you and your career goals, allow you to make connections for future opportunities and take the contact information of the person responsible for hiring in that area. After you speak with an employer, thank them for their time.

  • It is vital to be prepared for the job fair with a standardized resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and elevator pitch.The Career Services team also hosts ongoing workshops for students to ensure they are equipped with supporting material for their job applications.
  • Networking is the key to success in job fairs. Create connections with hiring managers and other business professionals, but don’t forget to network with other job seekers by exchanging tips on where to look for employment and how to be hired.
  • Follow-upwith the companies you connected with after the fair. Write a Thank-You email. In the email, thank the recruiter for his/her time, restate your interest and qualifications for the position, and reiterate your interest in a second interview.

Support from the Career Services Team:

Our dedicated coordinators are available to assist students with developing a career strategy, searching for jobs, and expanding their skill set. Find new opportunities and get advice that’s suited to your specific needs so that you may develop in your profession.

Feel free to reach out to the TSOM Career Services team with any questions you might have. Reach us by email at [email protected], schedule a meeting, or drop by our offices!